How to make a free blog or website

In today's post, you will tell how to make a blog. Blogging is very easy if you have a little bit of HTML coding. If you want to make your website on Blogger, then you do not need to pay anything, it is all free.
 Neither domain nor hosting is required to build a website on Blogspot, but a website is created for free. I made my first website on Blogger.

What a difference between a blog and a website.

  • Blog: Every day one gets to see new posts in the blog, category of recent posts, popular posts, is found in blogging.
  • Website: The website is created to promote a company's architecture and product. Once the website is set up, no articles are posted on it.

How to create a website? How to create a blog? Today is the time of technology where every information becomes available in one click. Whenever someone has to ask something, he searches the Internet and knows the answer to his question. But the main thing that happens between all these is the blog/website because the search engines pick up the information from here and show it to you. And you must have heard or seen many places saying that people say that I have a website or a blog, then you must have also thought that how to create a free website on Google?

Creating a free website on Google is very easy and you can create your own website in a few minutes. But some of the drawbacks of the free website are some limitations. If you want to make a Paid website, then you can read the post of the link given below. But in this post, we will teach you how to make a free website, so let's start.

How to make a free blog and website - how to make a website on google for free?

To make a website on Google, you will have to do some things, which is the most important.

  • 1. Mobile / computer
  • 2. Email ID
  • 3. Internet Connection

When you have all these three things, then you are ready to create a website. Now you have to follow some steps so that you can create a free website of your own. There are many benefits of having your own website, which you can read below.

Benefits of having your own website:

  1. You can upload your own photo.
  2. You can tell the world about yourself.
  3. Can post.
  4. Can earn money
  5. Can do marketing.
  6. You can earn money by selling your and others' goods.

First of all, you have to go to Google and search "BLLOGER.COM" in the search box. You will have a blogger's dashboard in front of you. One has to click on the " CREAT YOUR BLOG" button.

Now you have to log in with your Gmail ID, if you do not have Gmail ID then you will have to get Gmail ID.

Login with Gmail id After login, you will see a profile in front of you, if you want to make some changes in that profile then you can do it. Then you have to click on the "Continue blogger" button.

Now you will see the new blogger dashboard, it will have a notification, delete it

Now you have to click on the "Create New Blog" button.
Now you have to write the "name" of your blog in the "Title box". Write the name of the category in which you want to create your blog.
Now you have to create the "URL" in the "Address box".
Then you have to select a theme for your blog.
Later you have to click on the "Create Blog" button.
Now your blog is ready.

How to create a website? How to create a blog? step by step for beginners!

  • 2. On the home page of, you will see something like this written, "Create Your Blog" Click on it.
  • 3. Here you log in by typing your Gmail ID and Password. If you are already logged in, it will not ask you to log in.
  • 4. After login, you will see the option of "Create New Blog" on the left side, click here
  • 5. Now a new popup window will open where you give information about your blog.
  • Title: Enter the name of your blog here.
  • Address: Here you have to give a unique name, which no one has given before. If your chosen name is not available, try again and proceed by adding another name
  • Template: This is the design of your blog, how your blog will look and you can change it later. This is the life of your website, so you should make it as good as possible.
  • 6. After writing everything, click on the "Create Blog" button.
Now your blog i.e. website is ready, the name you gave in the address bar is a link to your blog, which you can share with your friends and show your blog. And after the blog is created, the dashboard is visible from here, you can maintain the whole website.

Note: Here we have used two different words - Website and Blog. We have used both of these for the same word, with the help of Templates, we can tell whether we have created a website or a blog. The theme you use will look the same, if you put an e-commerce theme then it will look the same.

Conclusion: I hope you guys have learned how to make a website in Free. I have told you to make a website in a very simple way. This method is very easy. If you still have any doubt or any questions, then you can comment and ask me. I will be happy to assist you and if you want any information, you can ask by comment. You will get an answer to your question soon.

And you can also earn money from your website, for which more information can be read in our Blogging Session and read the entire posts and earn money. When most of the bloggers in the world are making money, why not you? For more such fun information, subscribe to our newsletter and share this post with all your friends so that they too get this fun information.
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